Ship speed applies to in stock items, pending location. Does not include personalized items like engraving, embroidery, SmartPaks, or PortionPaks. Complete details on our Shipping Policies page.
Reduce recovery time and promote relaxation with vibration and massage therapy products for horses. Leg wraps, massage blankets and pads, vibration plates, and other therapeutic devices may increase circulation and reduce muscle tension.
SmartPerks are the awesome collection of FREE benefits available when you put your horse's supplements on AutoShip* including:
Get pricing today by activating your FREE Benefits!* Here's how:
1) Enter the promo code PERKS during checkout
2) Look for your FREE benefits, including:
SmartPerks are the awesome collection of FREE benefits available when you put your horse's supplements on AutoShip* including:
10% off all Smartpak brand tack, apparel, blankets, and more
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* To be eligible for SmartPerks benefits, at least one supplement bucket/bag, or one horse's individual SmartPaks must be over $40. AutoShipping bags/buckets must ship within one multiple of the standard days supply to qualify. Some exclusions apply. call 1-800-461-8898 for details.
EquiFit GelSox for Horses provides soothing protection for
horses at work. EquiFit GelSox for Horses is lined with a polymer gel that slowly releases mineral oil to sooth and protect horses with irritations, scratches, boot rubs, and abrasions. The compression component ...
Lanollin rich Corona Antiseptic Ointment treats injuries, irritations,
and abrasions. Corona Antiseptic Ointment helps to moisturize and protect dry dog paws, horse hooves and frogs. Non-toxic. Made in the USA
Pure Sole Soothing Balm® helps to relieve skin
irritation due to bites, midline dermatitis, rubbing, and sweet itch. This gentle and effective balm contains healing ingredients to relieve skin irritations naturally and start the healing.
Leovet® Propolis Gel contains natural antibiotics with properties
which effectively regenerate deep tissue. Natural active ingredients from the beehive contain vitamins, resins and trace elements to protect from diseases with natural antibiotics. The essential oils and resinous components have an ...
No Rub frees from dandruff and relieves itching, thereby
preventing frayed long hair, bald tail root and short, unsightly manes. With bio-sulphurous fluid and urea to normalize all biological processes, the hair thus becomes shiny and healthy! This highly effective hair oil ...
PowerFlex Bandages offer superior strength and performance with abrasion
and wear resistance up to five times that of any other support bandage. Provides dense protective padding that is soft, lightweight, and comfortable. For use with horses, dogs, and most other animals. ...
Zinc Oxide Spray from Leovet® protects cuts, scrapes,
and other minor wounds while promoting healing. This is the perfect solution for wounds in awkward spots that are hard to bandage. Use this spray to create a protective barrier from dirt, ...