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Sainfoin Premium Equine Forage Pellets is rated
5.0 out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
Alex from
My picky 29 year old gelding loved it, as did my 5 year old!
Date published: 2025-03-04
Rated 5 out of
WNYDQ from
Wonderful pelleted forage choice
Horses eat it all up and it’s low sugar and starch, good protein source with no chemicals, fillers or byproducts. I feed it as a mash to increase water intake with supplements. They lick their buckets clean, no choke and their manure looks amazing!
Date published: 2024-11-10
Rated 5 out of
SmartPaker Reanna from
Favorite new forage!
I am really growing to love Stable Feed products! My OTTB has been forage based for over a year. However, he has gotten picky about eating Timothy pellets, and will only eat specific brands of Timothy/Alfalfa blends. I transitioned him to Sainfoin Premium Equine Forage Pellets with the hope that the unique, new forage would be palatable for him. He loves it! Not only does he consistently finish his mash now, but he looks amazing. He had dropped some weight over the winter, but has started putting it back on since adding the Sainfoin Premium Equine Forage Pellets. In addition to putting on some weight, his topline has also improved dramatically! I love that Stable Feed promotes clean, non-gmo products that are grown without chemicals or pesticides. I want to feed my horse the best, and I feel like I can do that now.
Date published: 2024-09-13
Rated 5 out of
HufflePony from
Picky pony approved!
My Haflinger mare is very picky about forage pellets. She had decided she wouldn't eat any type of hay or beet pulp no matter what I did to make it appetizing. Saw these and thought I'd see if her Highness would eat them. To my surprise she is eating them with as much gusto as she eats the grain she steals from her pasture mates. The price tag is comparable to the grass balancer I was feeding her and I feel better about her having extra forage. Since it's purely a vehicle to deliver her supplements a little bit goes a long way. Her mustang brother loves them too. He came to me not knowing what grain was. Didn't take long for him to decide this was the tastiest treat ever.
Date published: 2024-09-06
Rated 5 out of
Patty from
Positive Observations after feeding 1 lb soaked sainfoin to 9 horses/ponies for 55 days:
Palatability. The horses love it.
Rapid Manure Breakdown. The most surprising observation is that normal, moist, ball-shaped manure is breaking down within days, and sometimes hours. Almost immediately after being deposited, the balls start to break apart and by the next morning many have formed into a springy, fluffy, spread out pats. After a day or so, some pats crumble and disappear into the soil. I have never seen this on my farm even during other droughts. Pre-sainfoin manure (even when I was feeding organic alfalfa pellets) broke down very slowly, sometimes taking 6 months or more to integrate into the soil. Rapid manure breakdown is good for my soil and removes habitat from L1 and L2 strongyles which theoretically should reduce reinfestation of L3. My guess is that at least 75% of the manure is breaking down quickly, though some pats remain in the springy stage next to others which entirely disappear.
Less flies and ticks. This may be due to the unusually hot and dry weather but may also be a sign of improved immune function. We have not needed fly masks this year as of July 24, 2024.
Absence of sweet itch in horses who normally would show signs.
One pony is starting to develop her top line.
Older horse with chronic sporadic lameness (had EPM and fractured knee 20 years ago before I got him) is moving fluidly and is sound without needing other supplements.
Less sunburn on noses. Veiel, Austria discovered tannins applied to skin reduced sunburn. Could the tannins in the sainfoin be providing sun protection on white-nosed horses prone to blistering? Noses turn slightly pink, but don't develop blisters. We have not had to apply sunscreen.
Hooves have healthier frogs.
Not So Positive Observations:
Pony with zero egg count rubbed his tail for the first time since arriving at this farm 5 years ago; three mares have been observed rubbing their sides on round bales in the yard; and two horses were observed rubbing their tails on the fence.
Egg count results were mixed. (see attached chart). Will the rapid breakdown of manure and proven in vitro reduced motility of L3 larvae lead to less shedding of eggs in my herd?
Date published: 2024-07-25
Rated 5 out of
Patty from
Extraordinary results after only 55 days.
Positive Observations after feeding 1 lb of soaked sainfoin daily for 55 days to 9 horses/ponies.
Palatability. The horses love it.
Rapid Manure Breakdown. The most surprising observation is that normal, moist, ball-shaped manure is breaking down within days, and sometimes hours. Almost immediately after being deposited, the balls start to break apart and by the next morning many have formed into a springy, fluffy, spread out pats. After a day or so, some pats crumble and disappear into the soil. I have never seen this on my farm even during other droughts. Pre-sainfoin manure (even when I was feeding organic alfalfa pellets) broke down very slowly, sometimes taking 6 months or more to integrate into the soil. Rapid manure breakdown is good for my soil and removes habitat from L1 and L2 strongyles which theoretically should reduce reinfestation of L3. My guess is that at least 75% of the manure is breaking down quickly, though some pats remain in the springy stage next to others which entirely disappear. Photos sent under separate cover.
Less flies and ticks. This may be due to the unusually hot and dry weather, but may also be a sign of improved immune function. We have not needed fly masks this year as of July 24, 2024.
Absence of sweet itch in horses who normally would show signs.
Older horse with chronic sporadic lameness (EPM and fractured knee 20 years ago before I got him) is moving fluidly and is sound without other supplements.
Less sunburn on noses. Veiel, Austria discovered that tannins applied to skin reduced sunburn. Could the tannins in the sainfoin be providing sun protection on white-nosed horses prone to blistering? Noses turn slightly pink, but don't develop blisters.
Hooves have healthier frogs.
Not So Positive Observations:
Pony with zero egg count rubbed his tail for the first time since arriving at this farm 5 years ago; three mares have been observed rubbing their sides on round bales in the yard; and two horses were observed rubbing their tails on the fence.
Egg count results were mixed after 30 days of feeding sainfoin. 5 horses had lower egg counts (one pony was zero); 4 had higher egg counts. Will the rapid breakdown of manure and proven in vitro reduced motility of L3 larvae lead to less shedding of eggs in my herd?
NB I was unable to upload photos of the manure breakdown and fecal egg count results. I am happy to provide this information.
Date published: 2024-07-25
Rated 5 out of
ArleneR from
Best Forage Pellet You Can Buy
I am so glad that SmartPak now carries this hay pellet. I have been getting this from StableFeed for a few months, and it is going to be great to have it on autoship now. My two horses are thriving on it. I have a hard keeper that is a picky eater, and he eats this pellet very well. The other horse is an easy keeper and seems to feel better and is less sluggish with this. Both horses are sleek and shiny.
Date published: 2024-05-13
Rated 5 out of
caitlynVA from
Obsessed with this stuff! Great way to add forage that's not alfalfa
Date published: 2024-04-29
Rated 5 out of
Aspen16 from
Love this stuff!!
I’ve been buying this for the last 3 months, changed from alfalfa pellets and my horse looks much better in his top line. Has more muscle than all last summer in hard work. I’m so excited Smartpak now carries it.
Date published: 2024-03-02
Rated 5 out of
AmndRiley from
I am so excited to see Smart Pak carry this! By far the best hay pellet for horses. My gelding has allergies and severe reactions to Alfalfa and this does wonders. Recommended by my vet and couldn’t be happier.
Date published: 2024-03-01