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Herbal Supplements

Herbs have been used for centuries to help manage health conditions and support general well-being in horses. Equine herbal supplements are available to support a variety of areas, including a balanced temperament, a healthy respiratory tract, and a strong immune system. The right herbal supplement may be a smart addition to your horse's program.

SmartPerks are the awesome collection of FREE benefits available when you put your horse's supplements on AutoShip* including:
Get SmartPerks pricing today by activating your FREE SmartPerks Benefits!* Here's how:
1) Enter the promo code PERKS during checkout
2) Look for your FREE benefits, including:
SmartPerks are the awesome collection of FREE benefits available when you put your horse's supplements on AutoShip* including:
  • 10% off all Smartpak brand tack, apparel, blankets, and more
  • Free shipping every day
  • Exclusive sales & discounts delivered straight to your inbox
Congratulations - your SmartPerks have already been activated!
* To be eligible for SmartPerks benefits, at least one supplement bucket/bag, or one horse's individual SmartPaks must be over $40. AutoShipping bags/buckets must ship within one multiple of the standard days supply to qualify. Some exclusions apply. call 1-800-461-8898 for details.

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