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* To be eligible for SmartPerks benefits, at least one supplement bucket/bag, or one horse's individual SmartPaks must be over $40. AutoShipping bags/buckets must ship within one multiple of the standard days supply to qualify. Some exclusions apply. call 1-800-461-8898 for details.
Pure Sole Soothing Balm® helps to relieve skin
irritation due to bites, midline dermatitis, rubbing, and sweet itch. This gentle and effective balm contains healing ingredients to relieve skin irritations naturally and start the healing.
Leovet® Propolis Gel contains natural antibiotics with properties
which effectively regenerate deep tissue. Natural active ingredients from the beehive contain vitamins, resins and trace elements to protect from diseases with natural antibiotics. The essential oils and resinous components have an ...
SmartNaturals™ Leave It Be Spray is brimming with
powerful herbs, botanicals, and moisturizing oils to help topically sooth and cool temporary equine skin irritation. This spray is perfect to use in between baths to support your horses healthy skin microflora ...
Essential Equine T-Zon Dermal Cream is a soothing,
anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory cream. T-Zon can aid in the treatment of scratches, girth itch, mud fever, rope burns, insect bites, saddle sores, ear plaques, scrapes and other topical skin conditions. This formula can ...
SmartNaturals™ Leave it Be Salve is brimming with
powerful herbs, botanicals, and moisturizing oils to help topically sooth and cool temporary equine skin irritation. This salve is perfect targeted support for areas bothering your horse from irritation from bug bites, ...
TrueBlue Nitrile Powder Free Gloves are made from
a unique formulation which provides durability and sensitivity for protection. These gloves are suitable for use in farm and industrial areas. 100 gloves per box. Due to high demand orders are limited ...
Wound-Kote is formulated for surface wounds, minor cuts
and skin abrasions. Coats the wound, disinfects it and aids in early scab formation. The antiseptic properties help control secondary infections and is not easily rubbed or washed off. Perfect addition to ...