SmartPak Features Making the Cover: Behind the Scenes with SmartPak Our photo shoots remind me a lot of horse show days. Early mornings, long days, tight schedules, plenty of surprises, and an absolute labor…
Equine Health 3 Warning Signs You Might Be Missing Grouchy, spooky or overweight isn’t necessarily “just the way your horse is.” These warning signs could indicate an underlying health probl…
Equine Health Q & A on Hilton Herbs Easy Mare How is Easy Mare formulated specifically for mares, and what types of “mare personalities” tend to benefit the most? Also, is it only for…
Nutrition Supplement for Pregnant Mare I would like to know if Mare Plus is dangerous to feed to a mare newly pregnant. It expired in July 08, is in SmartPaks, and has been kept…
Joint Health & Lameness Ask the Vet: MSM for Horses Is chronic/longterm use of MSM actually detrimental? Laura Dear Laura, MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, is believed to be a source of organic…
Ask the Vet Ask the Vet: Feeding Glucosamine to Insulin Resistant Horses My 21-year-old gelding has Cushing’s and IR and foundered twice before an appropriate pergolide dose was reached. He also now has arthritis…
Nutrition Ask the Vet: Feeding Round Bales to Horses I have a boarding barn where the pastures have been eaten down. In lieu of the grass I now put out a fairly decent round bale for the horse…
Nutrition Ask the Vet: Supplements for a Young Horse I have an AQHA filly that just turned 2-years-old. Everyone is giving me their thoughts regarding horses ‘supplements.’ I thought that if…
Joint Health & Lameness Ask the Vet: Joint Supplements and the Benefits of MSM I am so confused about joint supplements. I have a 3 yr old in training and I want to give him supplements for maintenance while he is bein…
Behavior Ask the Vet: What Dose of Vitamin B1 is Right for Your Horse? I have been using SmartB1 on my rather spooky nervous mare. It has had a calming effect on her — almost to the point of being too calm and…
Pregnant Mares Ask the Vet: Feeding Insect Control to Pregnant Mares I saw in one of your emails that Equitrol II can be fed to pregnant/lactating mares and foals. I have searched Farnam’s site and can find…