Sunday Slow Down: Saddle Cleaning
What is Saddle Cleaning Sunday?
Building a community is one of the best parts of being at a boarding barn, and I am a firm believer that the small moments spent together really help reinforce the support and care that comes with that community. One of these relationship building moments at my barn is Saddle Cleaning Sunday. It’s an informal get-together for myself and my barn friends to spend some time together off of our horses, while still getting necessary chores done.

Saddle Cleaning Sunday started out as a sort of joke between all of us, because I would always end up cleaning my saddle on Sunday mornings as something to kill time while my partner taught lessons. Whenever someone came over to talk to me, I was always sponge in hand and cleaning some kind of tack! The barn owner asked me one morning what I was doing, and I came up with “Saddle Cleaning Sunday” on the spot. We both thought it was hilarious, and the name stuck!
When my close friend moved their horse to our barn in spring, it became a thing we shared together. They actually bought a saddle off of me right around the time of the move, so it seemed natural to continue cleaning the saddle on Sunday when I cleaned. Every Sunday after cleaning stalls we’d get together in the sunniest spot of the barn and clean our tack together, starting with saddles and moving to anything else that needs attention like bridles, halters, and other odds and ends. After a few weeks, the habit stuck and became an informal bonding time for us and the rest of the barn.
How does Saddle Cleaning Sunday work?
The essentials for a great Saddle Cleaning Sunday are dirty tack, a good leather cleaner (my favorite is SmartPak’s Leather Cleaner & Conditioner, that lavender lemon smell is too good!), some strong coffee, and good company. Usually, we have some kind of donut or breakfast pastry to enjoy while cleaning too. While my friend and I are the basis of the Saddle Cleaning Sunday crew, other boarders and lesson folks join in all the time! Not everyone is always there first thing in the morning, but all are welcome to join in the saddle cleaning festivities. Some mornings there’s a line of us cleaning saddles and equipment right down the arena rail!

Saddle Cleaning Sunday is more than just getting chores done together though. It’s a time to connect with barn mates while really putting some care into the equipment that allows us to participate in the sport we love. This shared time is a great chance to talk about what is going on in our lives, and with our horses. As we move into the colder months, it’s a great chance to talk about training plans for the winter and how we’re going to tackle our showing plans next year. Plenty of big decisions have been made on Saddle Cleaning Sunday as well, everything from transitioning horses to being barefoot to buying a new car!
While Saddle Cleaning Sunday started out as a funny phrase, it has evolved into one of my favorite times of the week. I never intended it to become a regular event at the barn, but now that it is I wouldn’t have it any other way. We equestrians spend so much of our time at the barn, and spending some of that time having fun and building community amongst ourselves is absolutely worth the effort it takes to scrub saddles clean. Not to mention I’m pretty sure that the people you can count on to clean tack with you in the freezing cold will be there to support you and your horse no matter what!