Meet Wendy S. and Ted

Success Profile: Ted
Breed: Draft Cross
Age: 9
Discipline: Dressage
Owner: Wendy Siegel
From our October 2016 Edition:
When Wendy purchased Ted, she started him on SmartDigest to support healthy digestion because he occasionally had loose stools. After he’d been on the formula for some time, she worked with her veterinarian and decided that he could benefit from the more comprehensive hindgut support that SmartDigest Ultra provided. Plus, being able to enroll Ted in ColiCare™, SmartPak’s colic surgery reimbursement program, put her mind at ease.
2019 Update:
Ted and I have been up to a lot over the past few years! We moved up to 4th level at recognized dressage shows and are hoping to move up to Prix St George at the end of the season. Ted continues to get SmartDigest Ultra in SmartPaks, which helps him cope with the digestive stress that can come with training and showing. I love that it keeps his hindgut in prime condition so that I don’t have to worry about him having digestive issues!