Meet Natalie P. and Sully

Success Profile: Sully
Breed: Paint
Age: 15
Discipline: Ranch Horse Versatility
Owner: Natalie Plothow
Sully is my 15-year-old paint gelding. I originally bought him to train and sell after 60-90 days in college. Here we are 6 years later, and I wouldn’t trade him for the world. He’s my heart horse and has taught me so much about myself and horsemanship. He originally came from Texas and was used as a ranch and rope horse. I used him to pony horses when I start them as well as take him to the show pen to compete in Ranch Horse Versatility classes.
Sully has been on SmartPerform Ultra since it came out, so about 4 months. Ordering is always easy with auto ship and feeding with SmartPaks is super convenient! SmartPerform Ultra has been an excellent addition to Sully’s supplement program. It covers him in the 3 areas he needs support in; joint and tendon, stomach, and hindgut. Traditional joint supplements never really worked for him, he always came out of his stall a little stiff and would take a while to work out of it. When routine joint injections stopped helping, and I couldn’t get him to eat prescribed joint support, my vet suggested that I should look at joint supplements with “different” ingredients in it. I, of course, turned to SmartPak and they just happened to come out with a new joint supplement, SmartStride Ultra. I put Sully on it immediately and saw a huge difference in him. He rarely came out stiff, and if he did, he would work out of it quickly, and he seemed ready and eager to go to work. On top of joint support, I always had him on stomach support to keep his gastric ulcers at bay. I also like my horses to have some sort of hind gut support, so SmartGut Ultra and SmartDigest Ultra were my go-tos for that.
When SmartPak announced they were making SmartPerform Ultra, which happens to combine the 3 things Sully needs most, I immediately put in my information to get notified when it became available.
The supplement has a lovely mint smell to it, which I love, and Sully eats it right up! He is still getting the support he needs through one supplement, and I save money! Plus, the added protection of ColiCare keeps me at ease. SmartPerform Ultra has continued to help Sully as much as the other three supplements he used to be on.
I also started feeding SmartItch-Ease to Sully this year because he’s been rubbing his mane and tail out like crazy this year. I started it late, so I couldn't save his hair, but it does seem to give him some relief. I will make sure he’s on it before the allergens start bugging him. It helped another horse of mine with skin issues before so I have no doubt it will help Sully! Everything of mine also gets SmartLytes. I feed the powder to the non-picky eaters, and the pellets to the picky eaters. I love that SmartPak has the pellet option so I can make sure everything is getting electrolytes, especially during these hot summer months!